Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More paperwork

Well here we go again... a new stack of paperwork has come in for us to sign, have notarized, fingerprint with our blood, and send back to them with our first born enclosed. Ha, Ha,Ha. Just when you think that you have told them everything and signed every paper imaginable...here comes a new stack, a new set of questions, or in some cases the same forms that you filled out several times but now you have to do it while standing on your head with one arm extended out at a 90* angle and petting your kitty while singing "I Will Survive....I Will Survive, HEE, HEE!!!"
What one will do in the name of love has been a HUGE lesson for Eric and I both these last months now. We both would walk through fire for this girl...oops I should be careful what I say because that could be the next thing they ask of us. Well off I go to see if I can figure out how to fill out these Visa forms.

1 comment:

us said...

I gave you a blog award! Check out my blog!